#1 for hospital benchmarking data. Improve budgets, inform financial forecasts, and guide strategic operational decisions.

benchmarking quadrant comparison

Find huge cost savings opportunities

In the age of value-based care, keeping healthcare costs in line is paramount. Axiom Comparative Analytics has helped healthcare organizations like yours identify over  $1 million in cost savings opportunities.

With an array of financial metrics across all areas of your business and departments, compare your financial performance against your peers. Comparative Analytics makes performance improvement and cost conversations easier by giving you the market context you need to ensure a healthy bottom line.

a mockup of the comparative analytics tool on a laptop

Identify business areas and service lines to develop

Comparative Analytics helps you determine which of your businesses and service lines are cost leaders in the market. Drive patients to these services while you simultaneously develop corrective actions to become leaders in the other services. Model what financial success looks like in new service lines you’re considering for investment. 





Discover how your physician practices measure against peers and uncover opportunities 

With robust comparison data from 135,000 physicians across 10,000+ practice departments, you can measure performance in a variety of dimensions, including investment and net revenue per physician FTE, practice financials, specialty, and geography to improve productivity. Available data includes provider compensation and productivity by named physician and support staff analysis by named APP so you can align compensation with benchmarks by specialty and region. Take corrective action more quickly and easily set goals using top-performing peers as the target. 

Machine Learning & Predictive Modeling Built-In

Comparative Analytics uses Syntellis IQ, state-of-the-art machine learning techniques that automatically normalize and integrate your internal data with external data, making comparisons of financial data easy and fast. Uniform data classification eliminates the data submission burden and provides access to metrics and measures across any peer group you select. 

Comparative Analytics utilizes the fluid and visual user experience shared by other solutions within the Axiom Intelligence suite. Role-based dashboards utilize our proprietary cost improvement algorithm so your problem areas are prioritized and displayed in context with your budget, trends, and peers in a single source of truth across multiple levels of your organization. You’ll eliminate hours hunting for opportunities thanks to our instant identification of areas with the most potential for cost improvement.

Free up time for analysis.
Get a single source for normalizing internal data together with timely peer comparison metrics.

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