Stratasan market data and insights

Strategic planning analytics for market share analysis, demand forecasting, service line benchmarks, price transparency, growth and expansion

all payer claims data icon


All payer claims data

Curated and propriety 837 APCD to provide longitudinal insights into where patients seek care


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Medical remittance data

Leverage the 835 side of APCD to analyze market rates by payer, provider, CPT code and/or service line

state data icon


State claims data

State data has granular level of detail for delivering best care offering. QA'd and formatted so you don't have to


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Medicare claims data

CMS's qualified entity and VRDC allows for consistent and reliable data to draw more informed insights and growth decisions


patient origin out migration graph on computer screen

Unify and visualize your strategic healthcare planning data

Now under the Syntellis Performance Solutions umbrella, Stratasan software empowers healthcare leaders with actionable insights and intelligence. Easily analyze disparate data sets, visualize your market opportunity, and develop competitive insights - all in one place. Know where to grow™ with clear market context.    

Intelligent solutions designed to drive strategic growth

Strategic healthcare planning requires a complete understanding of the current market landscape and opportunities for expansion. Our solutions go beyond data aggregation, delivering market insights that enable growth and market optimization


Market growth 

  • Volume and revenue improvement
  • Improved market position
  • Geographic expansion
  • Facility expansion or development
  • Referral management and improvements

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    Market optimization 

    • Revenue optimization
    • Revenue and cash retention
    • Margin/Income enhancement
    • Provider development
    • Network alignment

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      Market enablement

      • Revenue integrity and sustainability
      • Payor positioning
      • Accelerated decision-making and mobility
      • Scalable resource development

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      Learn where to grow with market data solutions

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