How Axiom solutions deliver efficiency while lowering salary costs and operating expenses

Using Syntellis’ Axiom™ Budgeting & Forecasting and Axiom™ Long-Range Planning, a typical higher education institution with $200 million in annual revenue, $200 million in operating expenses, and compensation expenses of $135 million would see a payback in 8.2 months and generate a return on investment (ROI) of 257% over three years


Axiom Software ROI of budgeting and long range planning in higher education institutions

Results are based on a report from Hobson & Company, a third-party research organization focused on total cost of ownership and ROI studies. The company conducted in-depth interviews with higher education institutions and found that Axiom Budgeting & Forecasting and Axiom Long-Range Planning solutions delivered significant efficiency improvements in budgeting, reporting, and scenario modeling while reducing staffing costs and operating expenses. 

Your budgeting and forecasting and financial planning tools must deliver best-in-class features and performance while adapting to the unique needs of higher education institutions. Axiom software does both, delivering a quick and demonstrable ROI. 


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