Boost Net Interest Margin by 1.5+ basis points


For Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) solutions to deliver a quick and demonstrable return on Investment (ROI), they must address financial institutions’ common financial challenges.

Hobson & Company, a third-party research organization focused on total cost of ownership and ROI studies, conducted in-depth interviews with 12 financial institutions and found that the Axiom Financial Institutions Suite delivers significant profitability improvements and process efficiencies.

Banks, credit unions, and farm credit associations use Axiom software to drive ROI by improving budgeting, scenario modeling, reporting, profitability management, relationship analysis, and more.


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Improve my profitability

Reduce time spent on budgeting, reporting, profitability analysis and more



33%-60% less time spent on planning, reporting, and analysis

Users of the Axiom Financial Institution Suite report the software helps them streamline processes by spending 60% less time on budgets, reporting, and profitability analysis; 50% faster scenario modeling and report distribution; and 33% less time performing relationship analysis.

“Using Axiom, we have cut multiple days from our budget process and improved accuracy, especially by not having to duplicate processes. The time savings is amplified throughout the entire budget process."
Director of Finance

Improve profitability through more accurate balance sheet planning



1.5 basis points Net Interest Margin improvement

Axiom Financial Institutions Suite users report the software helps facilitate more accurate balance sheet planning to optimize net interest margin (NIM). Axiom Planning uses interest rate forecasts, runoffs of existing balances and rates, prepayment assumptions, impact of new originations, and optional FTP rates to help users accurately predict projected earnings, balances, yields, and FTP spreads. Axiom also calculates cash flows at the record level, aggregating them into planning portfolios to improve accuracy in NIM planning.

“Axiom shows us our existing portfolio, what’s running off, what’s coming on the books. We can manage margins better because we have all the data to manage spread and manage interest rate risk.”
VP, Sr. Financial Analyst

Improve profitability and product mix & incentivize profitable growth


Improve ROE 10 bp (banks/farm credit) and ROA 3 bp (credit unions) through profitability management

Users of Axiom FTP and Profitability — part of the Axiom Financial Institution Suite — say they have enhanced visibility into value drivers for customers, segments, branches, and products. Additionally, they can create profitability models that take into account funds transfer pricing (FTP), cash flows, interest rates, product-based fee income, costs, and capital requirements. The solution helps them drive desired behavior by aligning incentive compensation plans with institutional goals, incentivizing profitable growth rather than volume.


Magnifying glass scanning over data points
“We can see which products are more profitable and changes in deposits by region and branch — visibility we didn’t have before using Axiom.”
SVP Financial Planning & Analysis

Enhance relationship analysis, pricing and incentives


Improve ROE 7.5 bp (banks/farm credit) and ROA 2 bp (credit unions) through relationship management

Loan officers, branch managers, and relationship managers use Axiom Relationship Profitability and Pricing System (RPPS) — part of the Axiom Financial Institution Suite — to maintain and understand the value of each account, customer, and relationship in their portfolio, and price new business to meet profitability hurdle rates (e.g. RAROC). The software’s 30 reports and dashboards inform business decisions, and portfolio views provide deep account insights to guide real-time pricing decisions.

"Axiom includes more costs and profitability metrics that allow us to protect profitability opportunities on existing relationships and determine the risk of pricing.”
Director of Finance
"Right now, our front-line managers are incentivized just on volume. With RPPS, they will have profitability metrics and we can then incentivize on profit, not just volume.”
VP, Financial Reporting Analyst
“RPPS will identify profitable as well as unprofitable relationships so we can maximize the return by appropriately incentivizing our relationship managers. We will save money by reducing non-profitable relationships.”
SVP, Director of Financial Planning & Analysis

Disclaimer: The return on investment (ROI) and other financial calculations performed by Hobson & Co. are based on data provided by Syntellis Performance Solutions’ clients and various assumptions and estimates only. The actual ROI realized by clients may vary from the estimates provided. Syntellis offers this tool to assist clients with evaluating performance management solutions; however, Syntellis and Hobson & Company are not responsible for the accuracy of any estimates.

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